Source code for mimic.model_infer.cLV

from . import *
from scipy.stats import linregress
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from scipy.integrate import RK45, solve_ivp
import itertools
import sys
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Any, Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

[docs] class CompositionalLotkaVolterra: """ Inference for compositional Lotka-Volterra. .. math:: \frac{d}{dt} log(\frac{\\pi_i(t)}{\\pi_D(t)}) = g_i + \\sum^D_{j=1} (A_{ij} \\pi_j(t)) + \\sum^P_{p=1} (B_{ip} u_p(t) """ def __init__(self, P=None, T=None, U=None, denom=None, pseudo_count=1e-3): """ Parameters ---------- P : A list of T_x by D dimensional numpy arrays of estimated relative abundances. T : A list of T_x by 1 dimensional numpy arrays giving the times of each observation x. U : An optional list of T_x by P numpy arrays of external perturbations for each x. denom : integer, id for taxa in denominator of log ratio pseudo_count : float, default=1e-3, a small number to replace zero counts """ self.P = P self.T = T if P is not None and denom is None: self.denom = choose_denom(P) self.X: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = construct_alr( P, self.denom, pseudo_count) elif P is not None: self.denom = denom self.X = construct_alr(P, denom, pseudo_count) else: self.X = None if U is None and self.X is not None: self.U = [np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1)) for x in self.X] self.no_effects = True else: self.U = U self.no_effects = U is not None and all(np.all(u == 0) for u in U) # Parameter estimates self.A: Optional[NDArray] = None self.g: Optional[NDArray] = None self.B: Optional[NDArray] = None self.Q_inv = np.eye(self.P[0].shape[1] - 1) if P is not None else None # Regularization parameters self.alpha: Optional[float] = None self.r_A: Optional[float] = None self.r_g: Optional[float] = None self.r_B: Optional[float] = None
[docs] def get_regularizers( self) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float]]: return self.alpha, self.r_A, self.r_g, self.r_B
[docs] def set_regularizers(self, alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B): self.alpha = alpha self.r_A = r_A self.r_g = r_g self.r_B = r_B
[docs] def train(self, verbose=False, folds=10) -> None: """ Estimate regularization parameters and CLV model parameters. """ if self.alpha is None or self.r_A is None or self.r_g is None or self.r_B is None: if verbose: print("Estimating regularizers...") regularizers = estimate_elastic_net_regularizers_cv( self.X, self.P, self.U, self.T, self.denom, folds=folds, no_effects=self.no_effects, verbose=verbose ) if regularizers is None: if verbose: print( "Failed to estimate regularization parameters. Aborting training.") return # or raise an Exception if that's more appropriate for your use case self.alpha, self.r_A, self.r_g, self.r_B = regularizers if verbose: print("Estimating model parameters...") self.A, self.g, self.B = elastic_net_clv( self.X, self.P, self.U, self.T, self.Q_inv, self.alpha, self.r_A, self.r_g, self.r_B, verbose=verbose ) if verbose: print()
[docs] def predict(self, p0, times, u=None) -> np.ndarray: """Predict relative abundances from initial conditions. Parameters ---------- p0 : the initial observation, a D-dim numpy array times : a T by 1 numpy array of sample times u : a T by P numpy array of external perturbations Returns ------- y_pred : a T by D numpy array of predicted relative abundances. Since we cannot predict initial conditions, the first entry is set to the array of -1. """ if u is None: u = np.zeros((times.shape[0], 1)) if p0.ndim == 1: p0 = p0.reshape((1, p0.size)) X = construct_alr([p0], self.denom) x = X[0] return predict(x, p0, u, times, self.A, self.g, self.B, self.denom)
[docs] def get_params(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: if self.A is None or self.g is None or self.B is None: print("Error: model has not been trained", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) A = np.copy(self.A) g = np.copy(self.g) B = np.copy(self.B) return A, g, B
[docs] def choose_denom(P) -> int: """Pick a denominator for additive log-ratio transformation. """ np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") log_change: Optional[NDArray] = None for p in P: # for each subject s = p.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) # sum each taxon across time s[s == 0] = 1 # calculate the log change between timepoints deltas = np.log((p / s)[1:]) - np.log((p / s)[:-1]) log_change = deltas if log_change is None else np.vstack( (log_change, deltas)) np.seterr(divide="warn", invalid="warn") # pick taxon with smallest variance in log proportion min_idx = -1 min_var = np.inf if log_change is None: print("Error: no valid denominator found", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) n_taxa = log_change.shape[1] for i in range(n_taxa): if not np.all(np.isfinite(log_change[:, i])): continue var = np.var(log_change[:, i]) if var < min_var: min_idx = i min_var = var if min_idx == -1: print("Error: no valid denominator found", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) return min_idx
[docs] def construct_alr(P, denom, pseudo_count=1e-3) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Compute the additive log ratio transformation with a given choice of denominator. Assumes zeros have been replaced with nonzero values. """ ALR = [] n_taxa = P[0].shape[1] numer = np.array([i for i in range(n_taxa) if i != denom]) for p in P: p = np.copy(p) p = (p + pseudo_count) / (p + pseudo_count).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) p /= p.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) alr = (np.log(p[:, numer]).T - np.log(p[:, denom])).T ALR.append(alr) return ALR
[docs] def estimate_elastic_net_regularizers_cv(X, P, U, T, denom, folds, no_effects=False, verbose=False) -> Union[Tuple[float, float, float, float], None]: if len(X) == 1: print( "Error: cannot estimate regularization parameters from single sample", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) elif len(X) < folds: folds = len(X) rs = [0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0] alphas = [0.1, 1.0, 10.0] alpha_rA_rg_rB = [] for alpha, r_A in itertools.product(alphas, rs): for r_g in rs: if no_effects: alpha_rA_rg_rB.append((alpha, r_A, r_g, 0.0)) else: alpha_rA_rg_rB.extend((alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B) for r_B in rs) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) best_r: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] = None best_sqr_err = np.inf for i, (alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B) in enumerate(alpha_rA_rg_rB): # print("\tTesting regularization parameter set", i+1, "of", len(alpha_rA_rg_rB), file=sys.stderr) sqr_err = 0.0 for fold in range(folds): train_X = [] train_P = [] train_U = [] train_T = [] test_X = [] test_P = [] test_U = [] test_T = [] for i in range(len(X)): if i % folds == fold: test_X.append(X[i]) test_P.append(P[i]) test_U.append(U[i]) test_T.append(T[i]) else: train_X.append(X[i]) train_P.append(P[i]) train_U.append(U[i]) train_T.append(T[i]) Q_inv = np.eye(train_X[0].shape[1]) A, g, B = elastic_net_clv( train_X, train_P, train_U, train_T, Q_inv, alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B, tol=1e-3) sqr_err += compute_prediction_error(test_X, test_P, test_U, test_T, A, g, B, denom) if sqr_err < best_sqr_err: best_r = (alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B) best_sqr_err = sqr_err print("\tr", (alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B), "sqr error", best_sqr_err) np.set_printoptions(suppress=False) return best_r
[docs] def elastic_net_clv(X, P, U, T, Q_inv, alpha, r_A, r_g, r_B, tol=1e-3, verbose=False, max_iter=10000) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: def gradient(AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) -> np.ndarray: f = x_stacked - grad = # l2 regularization terms A = AgB[:, :yDim] g = AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] B = AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] grad[:, :yDim] += -2 * alpha * (1 - r_A) * A grad[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] += -2 * alpha * (1 - r_g) * g grad[:, (yDim + 1):] += -2 * alpha * (1 - r_B) * B return -grad def generalized_gradient(AgB, grad, step) -> np.ndarray: nxt_AgB = prv_AgB - step * grad # threshold A A_prox = nxt_AgB[:, :yDim] A_prox[A_prox < -step * alpha * r_A] += step * alpha * r_A A_prox[A_prox > step * alpha * r_A] -= step * alpha * r_A A_prox[np.logical_and(A_prox >= -step * alpha * r_A, A_prox <= step * alpha * r_A)] = 0 # threshold g g_prox = nxt_AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] g_prox[g_prox < -step * alpha * r_g] += step * alpha * r_g g_prox[g_prox > step * alpha * r_g] -= step * alpha * r_g g_prox[np.logical_and(g_prox >= -step * alpha * r_g, g_prox <= step * alpha * r_g)] = 0 # threshold B B_prox = nxt_AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] B_prox[B_prox < -step * alpha * r_B] += step * alpha * r_B B_prox[B_prox > step * alpha * r_B] -= step * alpha * r_B B_prox[np.logical_and(B_prox >= -step * alpha * r_B, B_prox <= step * alpha * r_B)] = 0 AgB_proximal = np.zeros(AgB.shape) AgB_proximal[:, :yDim] = A_prox AgB_proximal[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] = g_prox AgB_proximal[:, (yDim + 1):] = B_prox return (AgB - AgB_proximal) / step def objective(AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) -> float: f = x_stacked - obj = -0.5 * ( * f).sum() return -obj def stack_observations(X, P, U, T) -> tuple[Any | None, Any | None]: # number of observations by xDim x_stacked = None # number of observations by yDim + 1 + uDim pgu_stacked = None for x, p, u, times in zip(X, P, U, T): for t in range(1, times.size): dt = times[t] - times[t - 1] pt0 = p[t - 1] gt0 = np.ones(1) ut0 = u[t - 1] pgu = np.concatenate((pt0, gt0, ut0)) if x_stacked is None: x_stacked = x[t] - x[t - 1] pgu_stacked = dt * pgu else: x_stacked = np.vstack((x_stacked, x[t] - x[t - 1])) pgu_stacked = np.vstack((pgu_stacked, dt * pgu)) return x_stacked, pgu_stacked xDim = X[0].shape[1] yDim = xDim + 1 uDim = U[0].shape[1] AgB = np.zeros((xDim, yDim + 1 + uDim)) A, g, B = ridge_regression_clv(X, P, U, T, np.max( (alpha * (1 - r_A), 0.01)), np.max((alpha * (1 - r_g), 0.01)), np.max((alpha * (1 - r_B), 0.01))) AgB[:, :yDim] = A AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] = np.expand_dims(g, axis=1) AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] = B x_stacked, pgu_stacked = stack_observations(X, P, U, T) prv_obj = np.inf obj = objective(AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) it = 0 while np.abs(obj - prv_obj) > tol: np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) prv_AgB = np.copy(AgB) prv_obj = obj # line search step = 0.1 grad = gradient(prv_AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) gen_grad = generalized_gradient(prv_AgB, grad, step) nxt_AgB = prv_AgB - step * gen_grad obj = objective(nxt_AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) while obj > prv_obj - step * \ (grad * gen_grad).sum() + step * 0.5 * np.square(gen_grad).sum(): step /= 2 gen_grad = generalized_gradient(prv_AgB, grad, step) nxt_AgB = prv_AgB - step * gen_grad obj = objective(nxt_AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) A = nxt_AgB[:, :yDim] g = nxt_AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] B = nxt_AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] AgB[:, :yDim] = A AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)] = g AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] = B obj = objective(AgB, x_stacked, pgu_stacked) it += 1 if verbose: print("\t", it, obj) if it > max_iter: print("Warning: maximum number of iterations ({}) reached".format( max_iter), file=sys.stderr) break A = AgB[:, :yDim] g = AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)].flatten() B = AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] return A, g, B
[docs] def ridge_regression_clv(X, P, U, T, r_A=0, r_g=0, r_B=0) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Computes estimates of A, g, and B using least squares. Parameters ---------- X : a list of T x yDim-1 numpy arrays U : a list of T x uDim numpy arrays T : a list of T x 1 numpy arrays with the time of each observation Returns ------- """ xDim = X[0].shape[1] yDim = xDim + 1 uDim = U[0].shape[1] AgB_term1 = np.zeros((xDim, yDim + 1 + uDim)) AgB_term2 = np.zeros((yDim + 1 + uDim, yDim + 1 + uDim)) for idx, (xi, pi, ui) in enumerate(zip(X, P, U)): for t in range(1, xi.shape[0]): pt = pi[t] pt0 = pi[t - 1] xt = xi[t] xt0 = xi[t - 1] gt0 = np.ones(1) ut0 = ui[t - 1] pgu = np.concatenate((pt0, gt0, ut0)) delT = T[idx][t] - T[idx][t - 1] AgB_term1 += np.outer((xt - xt0) / delT, pgu) AgB_term2 += np.outer(pgu, pgu) reg = np.array( (([r_A for _ in range(yDim)] + [r_g]) + [r_B for _ in range(uDim)]) ) reg = np.diag(reg) AgB = + reg)) A = AgB[:, :yDim] g = AgB[:, yDim:(yDim + 1)].flatten() B = AgB[:, (yDim + 1):] return A, g, B
[docs] def estimate_ridge_regularizers_cv(X, P, U, T, denom, folds, no_effects=False, verbose=False) -> Union[tuple[float, float, float], None]: if len(X) == 1: print( "Error: cannot estimate regularization parameters from single sample", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) elif len(X) < folds: folds = len(X) rs = [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0] rA_rg_rB = [] for r_A in rs: for r_g in rs: if no_effects: rA_rg_rB.append((r_A, r_g, 0.0)) else: rA_rg_rB.extend((r_A, r_g, r_B) for r_B in rs) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) best_r: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None best_sqr_err = np.inf for i, (r_A, r_g, r_B) in enumerate(rA_rg_rB): # print("\tTesting regularization parameter set", i+1, "of", len(rA_rg_rB), file=sys.stderr) sqr_err = 0.0 for fold in range(folds): train_X = [] train_P = [] train_U = [] train_T = [] test_X = [] test_P = [] test_U = [] test_T = [] for i in range(len(X)): if i % folds == fold: test_X.append(X[i]) test_P.append(P[i]) test_U.append(U[i]) test_T.append(T[i]) else: train_X.append(X[i]) train_P.append(P[i]) train_U.append(U[i]) train_T.append(T[i]) Q_inv = np.eye(train_X[0].shape[1]) A, g, B = ridge_regression_clv( train_X, train_P, train_U, train_T, r_A, r_g, r_B) sqr_err += compute_prediction_error(test_X, test_P, test_U, test_T, A, g, B, denom) if sqr_err < best_sqr_err: best_r = (r_A, r_g, r_B) best_sqr_err = sqr_err print("\tr", (r_A, r_g, r_B), "sqr error", best_sqr_err) np.set_printoptions(suppress=False) return best_r
[docs] def compute_rel_abun(x, denom) -> np.ndarray: if x.ndim == 1: x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) z = np.hstack((x, np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1)))) p = np.exp(z - logsumexp(z, axis=1, keepdims=True)) p /= p.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) for i in range(p.shape[1] - 1, denom, -1): tmp = np.copy(p[:, i - 1]) p[:, i - 1] = np.copy(p[:, i]) p[:, i] = tmp return p
# @timeout(5)
[docs] def predict(x, p, u, times, A, g, B, denom) -> np.ndarray: """Make predictions from initial conditions """ def grad_fn(A, g, B, u, denom): def fn(t, x): p = compute_rel_abun(x, denom).flatten() return g + + return fn p_pred = np.zeros((times.shape[0], x[0].size + 1)) pt = p[0] xt = x[0] for i in range(1, times.shape[0]): grad = grad_fn(A, g, B, u[i - 1], denom) dt = times[i] - times[i - 1] ivp = solve_ivp(grad, (0, 0 + dt), xt, method="RK45") xt = ivp.y[:, -1] pt = compute_rel_abun(xt, denom).flatten() p_pred[i] = pt return p_pred
[docs] def compute_prediction_error(X, P, U, T, A, g, B, denom_ids) -> float: def compute_err(p, p_pred): err = 0 ntaxa = p.shape[1] err += np.square(p[1:] - p_pred[1:]).sum() return err / ntaxa err = 0.0 for x, p, u, t in zip(X, P, U, T): try: p_pred = predict(x, p, u, t, A, g, B, denom_ids) err += compute_err(p, p_pred) except TimeoutError: err += np.inf return err / len(X)
[docs] def estimate_relative_abundances(Y, pseudo_count=1e-3) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Adds pseudo counts to avoid zeros and compute relative abundances Parameters ---------- Y : a list sequencing counts or observed concentrations per sequence pseudo_count : pseudo count, specific in relation to the relative proportions of each taxon. Returns ------- P : relative abundances with pseudo counts """ P = [] for y in Y: p = np.zeros(y.shape) for t in range(y.shape[0]): pt = y[t] / y[t].sum() pt = (pt + pseudo_count) / (pt + pseudo_count).sum() p[t] = pt P.append(p) return P