Source code for mimic.model_infer.infer_VAR_bayes

import os
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, Any

import arviz as az
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import pytensor.tensor as at
import seaborn as sns

from mimic.model_infer.base_infer import BaseInfer

[docs] class infer_VAR(BaseInfer): """ infer_VAR class for performing inference on VAR models. This class provides methods for importing data, running inference on the VAR model, and performing posterior sampling and analysis. Args: data (numpy.ndarray): The data to perform inference on. Methods: run_inference(method='default', **kwargs): Runs the inference process for the VAR model. Returns: None """ def __init__( self, data=None, coefficients=None, intercepts=None, covariance_matrix=None, dataS=None): super().__init__() # Call base class constructor = self._validate_data(data) self.dataS = self._validate_data(dataS) if dataS is not None else None self.coefficients = coefficients self.intercepts = intercepts self.covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix # Initialize attributes for storing data and filenames self.last_trace = None self.last_data = None self.last_data_filename = None self.last_netcdf_filename = None
[docs] def set_parameters( self, data: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, list, tuple]] = None, coefficients: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list]] = None, intercepts: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list]] = None, covariance_matrix: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list]] = None, dataS: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, list, tuple]] = None, priors: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """ Sets the parameters for the infer_VAR instance. Allows optional specification of all model parameters. Parameters not provided (None) are left unchanged. Parameters: data (Optional[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, list, tuple]]): The data to perform inference on. coefficients (Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list]]): Coefficients of the VAR model. intercepts (Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list]]): Intercepts of the VAR model. covariance_matrix (Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list]]): Covariance matrix of the VAR model. dataS (Optional[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, list, tuple]]): The secondary data (e.g., metabolite data). priors (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): A dictionary of prior distributions. """ if data is not None: = self._validate_data(data) if dataS is not None: self.dataS = self._validate_data(dataS) if coefficients is not None: coefficients = np.array(coefficients) if coefficients.shape[0] != coefficients.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Coefficients matrix must be square.") if is not None and coefficients.shape[0] !=[1]: raise ValueError( "Coefficients matrix dimensions must match the number of variables in the data.") self.coefficients = coefficients self.priors['coefficients'] = self.coefficients if intercepts is not None: intercepts = np.array(intercepts) if is not None and intercepts.shape[0] !=[1]: raise ValueError( "Intercepts must match the number of variables in the data.") self.intercepts = intercepts self.priors['intercepts'] = self.intercepts if covariance_matrix is not None: covariance_matrix = np.array(covariance_matrix) if covariance_matrix.shape[0] != covariance_matrix.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Covariance matrix must be square.") if is not None and covariance_matrix.shape[0] !=[1]: raise ValueError( "Covariance matrix dimensions must match the number of variables in the data.") self.covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix self.priors['covariance_matrix'] = self.covariance_matrix if priors is not None: self.set_priors(priors)
[docs] def run_inference(self, method='default', **kwargs): """ Runs the inference process for the VAR model. Args: method (str): Specifies which inference method to run. Options are 'default', 'large', 'xs', 'large_xs'. Default is 'default'. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the inference methods. Returns: None """ if method == 'default': self._run_inference_default(**kwargs) elif method == 'large': self._run_inference_large(**kwargs) elif method == 'xs': self._run_inference_xs(**kwargs) elif method == 'large_xs': self._run_inference_large_xs(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown method: {method}")
def _run_inference_default(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Runs the default inference process for the VAR model. Returns: None """ samples = kwargs.get('samples', 2000) tune = kwargs.get('tune', 1000) cores = kwargs.get('cores', 2) if is None: print("Error: No data to perform inference on.") return data = # Check the dimensions of the data if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Data must be a 2D array") if data.shape[0] < 2: raise ValueError("Data must have at least 2 time points") if data.shape[1] < 2: raise ValueError("Data must have at least 2 variables") # Set the dimension of the VAR model dim = data.shape[1] # PyMC3 model # Set priors if provided, else default to zero mean and unit variance x0_prior_mu = self.priors.get('intercepts', self.intercepts.flatten( )) if self.intercepts is not None else np.zeros(dim) A_prior_mu = self.priors.get( 'coefficients', self.coefficients) if self.coefficients is not None else np.zeros( (dim, dim)) noise_cov_prior = self.priors.get( 'covariance_matrix', self.covariance_matrix) if self.covariance_matrix is not None else None # PyMC3 model with pm.Model() as var_model: # Priors for x0 and sigma # QUESTION: should the sigma be the noise_stddev from the # parameters.json file? x0 = pm.Normal('x0', mu=x0_prior_mu, sigma=1, shape=(dim,)) A = pm.Normal('A', mu=A_prior_mu, sigma=1, shape=(dim, dim)) # Priors for coefficients with LKJ prior # packed_L = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('packed_L', n=dim, eta=2.0, sd_dist=pm.HalfCauchy.dist(2.5)) # L = pm.expand_packed_triangular(dim, packed_L) # coefficients = pm.MvNormal('coefficients', mu=0, chol=L, shape=(dim, dim)) # If noise covariance is provided, use it as a prior if noise_cov_prior is not None: noise_chol = np.linalg.cholesky(noise_cov_prior) # noise_chol = pm.Deterministic("noise_chol", noise_chol) # Otherwise, use LKJ prior else: noise_chol, _, _ = pm.LKJCholeskyCov( "noise_chol", eta=1.0, n=dim, sd_dist=pm.HalfNormal.dist(sigma=1.0)) # VAR(1) process likelihood x0_obs = data[0, :].copy().reshape(-1) mu = x0[:, np.newaxis] +, data[:-1, :].T) # obs_chol = np.diag(np.full(dim,sigma)) # *pm.Normal('likelihood_0', mu=x0, sigma=1.0, observed=x0_obs) likelihood = pm.MvNormal( 'likelihood_t', mu=mu.T, chol=noise_chol, observed=data[1:, :]) # Sampling from the posterior with var_model: # FIXME: #38 make these arguments specifiable in the # parameters.json file file trace = pm.sample(draws=samples, tune=tune, cores=cores) # Plotting the posterior distributions # pm.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=['x0', 'A']) # Extracting the posterior means for initial values and coefficients # posterior_means = { # 'x0': np.mean(trace['x0'], axis=0), # 'A': np.mean(trace['A'], axis=0) # # Store data directly in object attributes self.last_trace = trace self.last_data = (data,) # Print summary if debug is enabled if self.debug in ["high", "low"]: print(az.summary(trace, var_names=["x0", "A"])) az.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["x0", "A"]) plt.savefig("posterior_plot.pdf") # Save results using the _save_results method self._save_results(trace, (data,), method='default') def _run_inference_large(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Runs large-scale inference for VAR model. This function generates VAR model data, fits a Bayesian VAR model using PyMC3, and performs posterior sampling and analysis. Returns: None """ samples = kwargs.get('samples', 4000) tune = kwargs.get('tune', 2000) cores = kwargs.get('cores', 4) if is None: print("Error: No data to perform inference on.") return data = # Check the dimensions of the data ndim = data.shape[1] # Params for shrinkage D = ndim**2 D0 = 2 N = data.shape[0] # Set priors if provided, else default to zero mean and unit variance x0_prior_mu = self.priors.get('intercepts', self.intercepts.flatten( )) if self.intercepts is not None else np.zeros(ndim) A_prior_mu = self.priors.get( 'coefficients', self.coefficients) if self.coefficients is not None else np.zeros( (ndim, ndim)) noise_cov_prior = self.priors.get( 'covariance_matrix', self.covariance_matrix) if self.covariance_matrix is not None else None # create and fit PyMC model with pm.Model() as var_model: noise_stddev = pm.HalfNormal("noise_stddev", 25) x0 = pm.Normal('x0', mu=x0_prior_mu, sigma=0.001, shape=(ndim,)) # Regularised horse shoe prior tau0 = (D0 / (D - D0)) * noise_stddev / np.sqrt(N) c2 = pm.InverseGamma("c2", 2, 8) tau = pm.HalfCauchy("tau", beta=tau0) lam = pm.HalfCauchy("lam", beta=1, shape=(ndim, ndim)) A = pm.Normal('A', mu=A_prior_mu, sigma=tau * lam * \ at.sqrt(c2 / (c2 + tau**2 * lam**2)), shape=(ndim, ndim)) # If noise covariance is provided, use it as a prior if noise_cov_prior is not None: noise_chol = np.linalg.cholesky(noise_cov_prior) # Otherwise, use LKJ prior else: noise_chol, _, _ = pm.LKJCholeskyCov( "noise_chol", eta=1.0, n=ndim, sd_dist=pm.HalfNormal.dist(sigma=1.0)) # VAR(1) process likelihood mu = x0[:, np.newaxis] +, data[:-1, :].T) likelihood = pm.MvNormal( 'likelihood_t', mu=mu.T, chol=noise_chol, observed=data[1:, :]) # Sampling from the posterior with var_model: trace = pm.sample(draws=samples, tune=tune, cores=cores) # Print summary if debug is enabled if self.debug in ["high", "low"]: print(az.summary(trace, var_names=["A"])) # Plotting the posterior distributions az.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=[ "A"]) plt.savefig("plot-posterior.pdf") # Store data directly in object attributes self.last_trace = trace self.last_data = (data,) # Save results to unique filenames self._save_results(trace, data, method='large') def _run_inference_xs(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Runs the inference process for the VAR model with metabolite data. Returns: None """ samples = kwargs.get('samples', 2000) tune = kwargs.get('tune', 1000) cores = kwargs.get('cores', 2) if self.dataS is None: raise ValueError( "Metabolite data is missing. Please provide dataS.") if is None: raise ValueError( "Abundance data is missing. Please provide dataX.") dataX = dataS = self.dataS nX = dataX.shape[1] nS = dataS.shape[1] # Set priors if provided, else default to zero mean and unit variance x0_prior_mu = self.priors.get('intercepts', self.intercepts.flatten( )) if self.intercepts is not None else np.zeros(nX) A_prior_mu = self.priors.get( 'coefficients', self.coefficients) if self.coefficients is not None else np.zeros( (nX, nX)) noise_cov_prior = self.priors.get( 'covariance_matrix', self.covariance_matrix) if self.covariance_matrix is not None else None # PyMC3 model with pm.Model() as var_model: X0h = pm.Normal('X0h', mu=x0_prior_mu, sigma=1, shape=(nX,)) S0h = pm.Normal('S0h', mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nS,)) Ah = pm.Normal('Ah', mu=A_prior_mu, sigma=1, shape=(nX, nX)) Bh = pm.Normal('Bh', mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nS, nX)) if noise_cov_prior is not None: sigma = np.linalg.cholesky(noise_cov_prior) else: sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=1, shape=(nX + nS)) data = np.concatenate((dataX, dataS), axis=1) muX = pm.Deterministic('muX',, dataX[:-1, :].T)) muS =, muX) muXs = muX[:, 1:] muSs = muS[:, :-1] mu = pm.math.concatenate((muXs, muSs), axis=0) likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=mu.T, sigma=sigma, observed=data[2:, :]) with var_model: idata = pm.sample(draws=samples, tune=tune, cores=cores) # Print summary if debug is enabled if self.debug in ["high", "low"]: print(az.summary(idata, var_names=["Ah", "Bh"])) az.plot_posterior(idata, var_names=["Ah", "Bh"]) plt.savefig("posterior_plot.pdf") # Store data directly in object attributes self.last_trace = idata self.last_data = (dataX, dataS) # Save results to unique filenames self._save_results(idata, (dataX, dataS), method='xs') def _run_inference_large_xs(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Runs large-scale inference for the VAR model with metabolite data. Returns: None """ samples = kwargs.get('samples', 4000) tune = kwargs.get('tune', 2000) cores = kwargs.get('cores', 4) if self.dataS is None: raise ValueError( "Metabolite data is missing. Please provide dataS.") if is None: raise ValueError( "Abundance data is missing. Please provide dataX.") dataX = dataS = self.dataS nX = dataX.shape[1] nS = dataS.shape[1] DA = nX * nX DA0 = 5 DB = nS * nX DB0 = 4 N = dataX.shape[0] - 2 # Set priors if provided, else default to zero mean and unit variance x0_prior_mu = self.priors.get('intercepts', self.intercepts.flatten( )) if self.intercepts is not None else np.zeros(nX) A_prior_mu = self.priors.get( 'coefficients', self.coefficients) if self.coefficients is not None else np.zeros( (nX, nX)) noise_cov_prior = self.priors.get( 'covariance_matrix', self.covariance_matrix) if self.covariance_matrix is not None else None with pm.Model() as var_model: tau0_A = (DA0 / (DA - DA0)) * 0.1 / np.sqrt(N) c2_A = pm.InverseGamma("c2_A", 2, 1) tau_A = pm.HalfCauchy("tau_A", beta=tau0_A) lam_A = pm.HalfCauchy("lam_A", beta=1, shape=(nX, nX)) Ah = pm.Normal('Ah', mu=A_prior_mu, sigma=tau_A * lam_A * \ at.sqrt(c2_A / (c2_A + tau_A**2 * lam_A**2)), shape=(nX, nX)) tau0_B = (DB0 / (DB - DB0)) * 0.1 / np.sqrt(N) c2_B = pm.InverseGamma("c2_B", 2, 1) tau_B = pm.HalfCauchy("tau_B", beta=tau0_B) lam_B = pm.HalfCauchy("lam_B", beta=1, shape=(nS, nX)) Bh = pm.Normal('Bh', mu=0, sigma=tau_B * lam_B * \ at.sqrt(c2_B / (c2_B + tau_B**2 * lam_B**2)), shape=(nS, nX)) if noise_cov_prior is not None: sigma = np.linalg.cholesky(noise_cov_prior) else: sigma = pm.TruncatedNormal( 'sigma', mu=0.1, sigma=0.1, lower=0, shape=(nX + nS)) data = np.concatenate((dataX, dataS), axis=1) muX = pm.Deterministic('muX',, dataX[:-1, :].T)) muS =, muX) muXs = muX[:, 1:] muSs = muS[:, :-1] mu = pm.math.concatenate((muXs, muSs), axis=0) likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=mu.T, sigma=sigma, observed=data[2:, :]) with var_model: trace = pm.sample(draws=samples, tune=tune, cores=cores) # Print summary if debug is enabled if self.debug in ["high", "low"]: print(az.summary(trace, var_names=["Ah", "Bh"])) az.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["Ah", "Bh"]) plt.savefig("posterior_plot.pdf") # Store data directly in object attributes self.last_trace = trace self.last_data = (dataX, dataS) # Save results to unique filenames self._save_results(trace, (dataX, dataS), method='large_xs')
[docs] def posterior_analysis( self, data_filename=None, netcdf_filename=None, A=None, B=None): """ Performs posterior analysis and visualizes the results. Args: data_filename (str, optional): The filename for the .npz data file. netcdf_filename (str, optional): The filename for the NetCDF file with inference results. A (numpy.ndarray, optional): The true matrix A to compare against. B (numpy.ndarray, optional): The true matrix B to compare against. Returns: None """ # Check if data is stored in attributes if self.last_data is not None: dataX, dataS = self.last_data[0], self.last_data[1] if len( self.last_data) > 1 else None else: # Load data from file if not stored in attributes data_filename = data_filename or self.last_data_filename try: with np.load(data_filename, allow_pickle=True) as xsdata: dataX = xsdata['dataX'] dataS = xsdata['dataS'] if 'dataS' in xsdata else None except KeyError as e: print(f"Error loading data: {e}") dataS = None if dataS is not None: self.make_plot_stacked(dataX, dataS) # Check if inference data is stored in attributes if self.last_trace is not None: idata = self.last_trace else: # Load inference data from file if not stored in attributes netcdf_filename = netcdf_filename or self.last_netcdf_filename try: idata = az.from_netcdf(netcdf_filename) print(az.summary(idata, var_names=["Ah", "Bh"])) except FileNotFoundError as e: print(f"Error loading inference data: {e}") return true_values = [A] if A is not None and B is None else ( [A, B] if A is not None and B is not None else None) if dataS is not None: self.plot_heatmap( idata, matrices=["Ah", "Bh"], true_values=true_values) else: self.plot_heatmap(idata, matrices=["A"], true_values=true_values)
[docs] def make_plot_stacked(self, dataX, dataS): """ Creates a stacked plot of abundance and metabolite data. Args: dataX (numpy.ndarray): The abundance data. dataS (numpy.ndarray): The metabolite data. Returns: None """ nX = len(dataX[0]) nS = len(dataS[0]) nobs = dataS.shape[0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 4)) axs[0].stackplot( range( len(dataX)), *dataX.T, labels=[ f"X{str(i)}" for i in range(nX)]) axs[0].set_title("Abundance changes over time") axs[0].set_ylabel("ΔX") axs[0].set_xlim(0, nobs - 1) sns.heatmap( dataS.T, annot=False, cmap="YlGnBu", yticklabels=[f"S{str(i)}" for i in range(nS)], ax=axs[1], cbar=False, ) axs[1].set_title("Metabolites, S") axs[1].set_ylabel("S") axs[1].set_xlabel("time (t)") axs[1].set_xlim(0, nobs) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("plot-data-XS-stacked.pdf")
[docs] def plot_heatmap(self, idata, matrices=None, true_values=None): """ Plots heatmaps of the inferred matrices. Args: idata (arviz.InferenceData): The inference data. matrices (list of str): List of keys for matrices in idata.posterior to plot. true_values (list of numpy.ndarray): List of true matrices to compare with. Returns: None """ if matrices is None: matrices = ['Ah', 'Bh'] # default matrices to plot num_matrices = len(matrices) fig, axes = plt.subplots( 1, num_matrices, figsize=(7 * num_matrices, 7)) if num_matrices == 1: axes = [axes] # ensure axes is a list for consistent indexing for idx, matrix_key in enumerate(matrices): if matrix_key not in idata.posterior: print(f"Key '{matrix_key}' not found in idata.posterior") continue matrix = idata.posterior[matrix_key].values matrix_sum = np.median(matrix, axis=(0, 1)) sns.heatmap(matrix_sum, ax=axes[idx], cmap='viridis') axes[idx].set_title(f'{matrix_key}hat') axes[idx].set_xlabel('X') # Set the y-label based on whether it's the second matrix if num_matrices > 1 and idx == 1: axes[idx].set_ylabel('S') else: axes[idx].set_ylabel('X') # Annotate matrix with true values in parentheses if provided for i in range(matrix_sum.shape[0]): for j in range(matrix_sum.shape[1]): if true_values is not None and len( true_values) > idx and true_values[idx] is not None: true_value = true_values[idx][i, j] text_value = f'{matrix_sum[i, j]:.2f} ({true_value:.2f})' text_color = 'white' # You can adjust the color if needed else: text_value = f'{matrix_sum[i, j]:.2f}' text_color = 'black' axes[idx].text( j + 0.5, i + 0.5, text_value, ha='center', va='center', color=text_color ) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('plot-posterior-heatmap.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
def _save_results(self, trace, data, method='default'): base_filename = f"model_posterior_{method}.nc" data_filename = f"data_{method}.npz" # Incremental versioning version = 1 while os.path.exists(base_filename): base_filename = f"model_posterior_{method}_v{version}.nc" data_filename = f"data_{method}_v{version}.npz" version += 1 # Save files as a fallback az.to_netcdf(trace, base_filename) dataX = data[0] dataS = data[1] if len(data) > 1 else None if dataS is None: np.savez(data_filename, dataX=dataX) else: np.savez(data_filename, dataX=dataX, dataS=dataS) # Store filenames as fallback self.last_data_filename = data_filename self.last_netcdf_filename = base_filename print( f"Results saved as:\nNetCDF file: {base_filename}\nData file: {data_filename}")